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TTX and Underwater Hockey

Underwater Hockey is an international game played with small hockey sticks, snorkels, protective gear, and fins, where two teams play against each other until they score. It is great for increased cardiovascular development.

Kendall Banks, captain of the US underwater hockey team for many years, moved to Door County, WI and approached Mike McHugh, aquatics assistant at the Sturgeon Bay YMCA, about starting a program. Banks, being exceptional with the swimmers and adults that come in, teaches new ideas and skills each week.

The group needed underwater goals that are quite large and intricate in design and McHugh

mentioned the need to Rob Rock and Dan Reichel of Therma-Tron-X, Sturgeon Bay. A design for goals that met regulation play standards was presented to TTX and Therma-Tron-X decided to donate the products.

“Not only taking the time to do a highly professional job with the design and manufacturing, but willing to help our program by donating the goals…was just amazing” states Mike McHugh. “We just started playing this winter and we have a group of 8-10 adults that consistently play each week.”

The Underwater Hockey league plays on Thursday nights at 5:30 at the Sturgeon Bay YMCA.



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